Add SpeedCam (Blitzer, Radar) from Your region,
like in Google: 1. North (Latitude 35 > y < 60), 2. East (Longtitude -10 > x < 40): DD.ddddd5

 Example (Satellit view!): 51.55580, 7.53782 (+/- 0.00005)

and You get all cameras for this area >>


+ Add; - Delete:
Fixed; Mobil; Section Begin; Section End:
  Lat. (North): , Longtitude (x):
+ Add; - Delete:
Fixed, Mobil, Section Begin, Section End:
  Lat. (North): , Longtitude (x):
+ Add; - Delete:
Fixed, Mobil, Section Begin, Section End:
  Lat. (North): , Longtitude (x):
+ Add; - Delete:
Fixed, Mobil, Section Begin, Section End:
  Lat. (North): , Longtitude (x):
+ Add; - Delete:
Fixed, Mobil, Section Begin, Section End:
  Lat. (North): , Longtitude (x):
+ Add; - Delete:
Fixed, Mobil, Section Begin, Section End:
  Lat. (North): , Longtitude (x):

 New camera corrections:

We will check it with Google-Maps (for example N / E: "47.00006, 6.92086"):

Smartphone Koordinaten-Umrechner: